Friday, 18 July 2014

How to survive your first semester of University!

This year I began the daunting challenge of University. I loved high school and didn't want to leave- so of course, uni didn't seem so appealing to me. Skip ahead 4 months and one semester down and I made heaps of new friends, fell in love with my course and even surprised myself with my results. I start my second semester next week and I hate to say it, but I am almost excited.

Here are some of my tips I followed, or wish I had throughout my first semester, if you are starting out mid-year, a new course or just want a head start into what university is like! 

Choose the right University for you
This is very important as you are probably going to spend the next 3 or 4 years at this same campus. This was very hard for me as I was set in stone where I wanted to go up until my final year of high school. I attended my desired school's open day and really hated it. Thus, I had to attend more open days and fell in love with my current school. Beforehand, it wasn't even in my list of schools. It is more of a sporty school with lots of boys attending it and thought that I would never fit in but alas, I love it and I couldn't of picked a better school for me! Another tip I say is do not go to the same university as your friends. Of course, if it's just a coincidence that you're both at the same uni then bonus but if you're really not sold on the school, look somewhere else. Me and my best friend have never attended the same school and I think people just assumed that we will want to go to the same university as each other as we are both completing (roughly) the same course. However, I don't like her university's location and I'm sure she isn't thrilled about my school either.  We are much happier at our desired schools and have both made a great group of new friendships. And of course, we are still very much best friends. 

Attend Orientation Week 
I know this does not apply to every university campus but at my school, we had a 2 day long orientation where we got to go on a tour of the campus, learn about what our course entitles and any important forms/papers we need to fill out. I know a lot of people did not attend but I found this extremely helpful. I was so nervous coming straight from high school  into university and orientation defiantly broke down a few of these walls. I was able to make friends from other courses asides from my degree which came in handy as my major is a prerequisite for many science courses and I got to have a couple of classes with these friends even though we were doing different courses. 

Plan your timetable wisely
If you're coming straight from high school you might think, "oh well I spent the last 11 years going to school 5 times a week, surely I could do it again at University?" Oh how wrong can you be!! Probably my biggest perk of going to University this year was only going to school 3 days for no more than 3.5 hours. The less days at university can make your semester much more enjoyable. My tip is to get in early and know when your timetable is up online so you are ready to change it. I am almost bursting at my seams knowing that I only have to go twice a week this semester. 

Don't be afraid to make friends 
You can not expect to go in on your first day and students flock to you, begging you to be their friend. Everyone is in the same boat as you. They are probably just as nervous and just as desperate to have a friend. If you see someone sitting on their own, go up and sit next to them and introduce yourself. The first girl I met on day one is now one of my closest friends at uni and we spend each class together. I met her by asking her what time the lecture is meant to finish and now we are inseparable at uni! Make sure you talk with people in your classes as it is always helpful to have a familiar face in the classroom.

Go to class 
Probably one of the most simplest tips. It is so easy to just not go to school, trust me I know. I think I went to a grand total of 2 lectures for one of my classes and surprise, surprise, what class did I get my lowest score? I know at some universities lectures have a roll call so you will have to attend, but if not just know that what they are saying is beneficial and will be graded sometime, somehow. I know many people say that they are going to watch the lectures online at home but I know from experience that the motivation to do that is next to nothing. 

Do something you love
As cheesey as it sounds, choose a course you actually want to do. Not what your parents want you to do, not what your best friend is doing, what you want to do. If you're completing a 4 year course in something that you don't want to do in 4 years. Stop now. You're wasting not only your time but your money and effort. If you still don't know what you want to do straight out of high school, take a break to do some research and discover what you want to do. There are plenty of websites to help you with this selection.

And those are some of my tips to get you through your first semester of Uni! Good luck to anyone starting University soon and good luck to those students going back!

Thanks for reading  
C O N T A C T  M E

Instagram: @ccccccourtney


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